
Not clear on level 188 gardenscapes
Not clear on level 188 gardenscapes

It's estimated that all the hotel's floors have a total of 20 residential rooms per hallway, with roughly a dozen other various rooms in the form of what appear to be lounge rooms, bars, staff rooms, or janitorial closets. Lining these hallways at regular intervals are rusted metal doors, most engraved with room numbers or names. Attempts to map out the level indicate that the hallway likely rings the central courtyard, along with the main hallways on the other reached floors of the hotel. On opposite ends of the balcony, adjacent to the cement railing overlooking the courtyard, are two empty doorways leading into the interior hallway of Level 188's third floor. The floor of the courtyard appears to be made up mostly of a lawn of discolored turf grass with damaged stonework paths, but as of yet there is no known safe way of reaching the ground floor of the hotel to access it. Going off of said windows, it can be inferred that the balcony is located on the third floor of the hotel comprising the level, out of five floors total.

not clear on level 188 gardenscapes

Upon first entering Level 188, wanderers almost universally find themselves in a featureless, cramped room, with an empty doorway opposite them leading out to a balcony overlooking the central point of the level: an expansive roofed courtyard whose walls are lined with large rectangular windows.

not clear on level 188 gardenscapes not clear on level 188 gardenscapes

There is no natural light anywhere within the level, with some wanderers claiming the hotel is so thoroughly dark that even their brightest flashlights somewhat struggle to illuminate their surroundings. The level's entirety is characterized by its dilapidated condition, with all surfaces coated in a thin layer of dust, all furniture made of rusted metal or rotted wood, and what few light fixtures can be found all being shattered or short-circuited. Level 188 is a concrete structure resemblant in layout to a modern hotel.

Not clear on level 188 gardenscapes