
Call of duty cold war beta xbox one release date
Call of duty cold war beta xbox one release date

call of duty cold war beta xbox one release date

Players who decided to pre-purchase the game will be able to play the multiplayer a few days earlier than players who did not pre-purchase the game. More Info On Different Editions Here! List of Editions For CoD: BOCW There are also different versions and bundles that not only include the base game but other bonuses and in-game rewards as well. You can pre-purchase the game before the release. Check Out PC Spec Requirements Here Pre-Orders & Editions

call of duty cold war beta xbox one release date

It'll release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC, with cross-play as a feature for all platforms. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War will officially release worldwide on November 13, 2020.

Call of duty cold war beta xbox one release date