
Apple mail preferences plist sierra
Apple mail preferences plist sierra

I could not get a guarantee beyond "They usually find it". Double huh?Īnyway, long story short, my case got booted upstairs where I may get my mail back in a week. Huh? I had to think of specific names of emails that he could search for. First, the technician couldn't do a search based on my Telus email address. Let's have a look at webmail" and then it got disconcerting, very disconcerting. They only provide support for their own platform, Telus Webmail. I am with Telus in Canada and, when I called their mail help-line, they advised they don't provide support for any third party products.not one.Apple, Samsung, Windows.none. Neither fix will solve the mystery of why the mailboxes disappeared in the first place, but either could save you days/weeks of sleuthing.

apple mail preferences plist sierra

If the accounts are POP3 and/or the folders were On My Mac then Artie's suggestion of restoring ~/Library/Mail from a Time Machine backup say 24 hours prior to your messages disappearing, or at least a point in time when you know mail was working, is excellent and the first thing I would try. I have also seen situations where the email provider has made a change in their configuration which forced users to change the account setup.

apple mail preferences plist sierra

If your account is IMAP, Mail reflects the status of your account on the host computer's IMAP server where the folders messages are physically stored and your next logical step would be to contact the email provider, because it is likely the failure is on their end, not yours.

apple mail preferences plist sierra

If they do, that would tend to point the finger at something on your computer. As a trouble shooting step, try booting from your clone and see if the folders show up there. There are multiple possibilities depending on whether your accounts are IMAP or POP and whether or not the missing folders are On My Mac.

Apple mail preferences plist sierra